Monday, June 8, 2009

Coppertone, oh, does it ever take me back to the ‘60’s….


We’re at John’s in Nashville for a few days, he’s building a waterfall and pond in his back yard, Dad is helping, Mom made breakfast, and tried not to interfere, but first thing this morning he brought me sunscreen to put on him, I took one whiff, and it was like going back in time.

Does anything smell better than Coppertone Suntan Lotion?  The smell hasn’t changed a bit over the years.  Deanna says Coppertone reminds her of sunshine, it reminds me of being young again, listening to my transistor radio, and drinking Pepsi out of a bottle, while laying in the sun giggling with girlfriends.

Oh, it smells so good.  Hooterville has a bottle of the oil, and regularly takes off the lid and smells it because she likes it, too.

Yours truly is going to be hotfooting it down to WallyWorld to buy my own bottle.  Then I’ll slather it on, and just enjoy!!!  I just bought a new bottle of Johnson Baby Lotion because I’m addicted to the way it smells, I’ll just add Coppertone to my rotation….


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