Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Natural Chemistry Flea and Tick Spray

http://www.valleyvet.com/swatches/37868_L_vvs_000.jpgIt’s flea season, and I always seem to have more problems than most.  We wonder if it’s because the horse pasture is right in front of our condo, and are probably transmitting them to our yard.

I use FrontLine Plus on the girls, but lately it hasn’t been as effective, as it should be, after a couple of weeks I start to see fleas on them, so a couple of weeks ago I tried Advantix. 

Well, that was a disaster for Maggie.  She had an allergic reaction to it and was scratching and biting her fur, and I was giving her a bath at 12:30 in the morning trying to get rid of the stuff!

So here we are, two weeks later, at John’s, Mollie is doing fine, no fleas on her, the Advantix worked for her, but Maggie has fleas again!  And we’re at somebody elses house!!!!!

So I’m in a panic, not knowing what to do, and absolutely hating every time I put those toxic drops of flea killer on them anyway, but I’m desperate!  I’ve Googled myself silly trying to find alternative flea prevention, and the words cinnamon oil and cedar wood oil mentioned over and over again.  But I had no luck finding essential oils in Heavensville.

So today we trekked to the pet store, the clerk showed me where the flea and tick sprays were located and John spotted this Natural Chemistry Flea and Tick Spray for dogs.  It said it was all botanical, non toxic, totally healthy for your dog, and the ingredients were, you guessed it, oil of cinnamon, oil of cedar wood, and oil of cloves!

So I grabbed a bottle, and the checkout lady informed me that she has nine Chihuahua's and two great danes at home, and this is the only product she ever uses and never has fleas.  Well, that sold me!!!

So I buy it, and we come home with the guys teasing me, telling me that I’m such a sucker and that lady probably doesn’t even have a dog.  Yeah, right, she was a nice old lady, I believed her.

So I come home, take Mags out on the deck and start spraying her.  The fleas died, in just a few minutes they were GONE!!!!

So, naturally I’m doing the happy dance here, showing those silly men that it really does work, and thrilled that I got rid of those pesky fleas without chemicals.

So, just had to share, some of you might benefit from this, too.  We’re back home tomorrow.  Back to my regular routine, whatever that is.  I’ll update you on how well this spray continues to work…

~ jan


  1. Hey Jan,

    Can you buy that flea spray here in E'ville? Do you have any suggestions for getting fleas out of the carpet? Ted's house is infested. Poor Ozzie.... your neighbor Julie


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