Friday, June 12, 2009

Do you remember baby doll pajamas? made me baby doll pajamas,  just like these, when I was growing up.    Mine  always had bloomer bottoms,were trimmed in  ruffles and lace, sometimes they were made of pink or lavender or my favorite yellow gingham checks, I had a pair made from white eyelet, and several pairs made from  breezy cotton prints.

They were adorable, those pajamas.  Now, girls,  (women, too) sleep in tank tops or tee shirts and boxers, nothing even resembling pajamas.

They don’t know what they’re missing.  These PJ’s that look so dated now, were absolutely the cutest things in the day.  Mine were always dried on a clothesline, and smelled fantastic when I slipped them on.  Such good memories…

Oh my age is really showing,  isn’t it… 


  1. Me too, Jan! (I'm about 6 yrs. older than you.) And didn't you just have to read the latest Seventeen Magazine--I did!


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