Thursday, May 7, 2009

Jan, p*ssing and moaning about her internet connection….

Arughhhhh, I’m having problems with my internet connection yet again.  This isn’t my first rodeo with my ISP, it happened a few months back, if you all remember, I griped about it constantly, but magically, it “fixed” itself.  For a couple of days now, it’s been sluggish and intermittent, much like before and this morning I awoke to no connection at all.  I called Insight, the little man can’t come until tomorrow.  The technician put me thru the samo bells and whistles loops we always go thru.  Unplug, wait, plug back up, yadayadayada, nothing happened.

Of course, an hour later, it’s working again, not only working, but it’s the speed of light it’s so fast.  But I’m not going to cancel them coming, something is obviously going on here.

And do you know that before  I hung up this morning, that vapid little technician person asked me, “Would you be interested in our phone service, today?”  WTF? INTERESTED IN THEIR PHONE SERVICE???

That was the last straw, I said to her  “Are you kidding me?  Your internet service doesn’t work and you want me to add your phone service????? I don’t think so! Then I hung up.  She probably deleted my service call!  And if she did, I can’t even blame her stupidity on a man!!!!!  And no, I don’t want french fries with my diet coke, either!!!

Sorry guys, just had to vent this dreary  morning in Heavensville.  Sunshine?  Hell no!!!! But it’s been so foggy, we’ve had zero visibility!!!  Whoohoo…..


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