Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How two little bundles of fur rule my life….

I have a project I’m enjoying working with on the computer, I’m really interested in what I’m doing, and was going to spend a few more hours tonight working, while the juices are flowing…

But I have two fur kids who are thinking otherwise.  Maggie is standing beside me, jumping up and down like a pogo stick, barking her little head off, Mollie is sitting in the floor just staring at me.

They want me to go to bed.  Maggie barks and looks toward the bedroom, Mollie looks downright mad at me, and so what do I do?  Scold them, tell them to be quiet?  Heavens, no, I could never do that.  Hurt their sweet little  feelings?  No way…

So I’m off to bed, tomorrow is another day, why sit at the computer when I can snuggle with the dogs…

Say G’nite Gracie…


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