Sunday, May 3, 2009

I have a milestone, time to toot my own horn…..

Finally, FINALLY, I have broken thru that same 10 lb. gain and loss window that I’ve been doing for the past year and a half.  I got on the scale this morning and I’m into whole new digits.  Whoo-hoooo.  Haven’t seen this since January ‘08, and that was just for about 10  minutes before I started gaining again.

I’ve now lost 7.7 lbs. since the first of April.  And I’ve done it despite have the most sluggish metabolism imaginable!   I attribute my loss to the fact that  I tweet what I eat, every single day, every single morsel that I put in my mouth! It’s  the fact that I publish every single bite  that is keeping me accountable.

I have lots of recipes on my Eating Right blog, including  a ton of archived recipes in the right sidebar, you might get some ideas, too.  Last night I posted a recipe for a fantastic 2 point cornbread  from HungryGirl.  There are also links to other weight loss sites in the right sidebar of EatingRight.  My friend, Roni, has the best site, it’s called GreenLiteBites, and every one of her recipes that I’ve made has been killer.

Here’s a direct link to the tweets, join Twitter and follow me, you might get some ideas, too.  Most of what I eat sounds pretty bad, but once you get into the swing of it, it’s easily doable and the food tastes pretty darn good.  I read those labels, weigh my food on a scale, and try not to eat too much processed food.  For the most part, I’m not hungry,I’m  just being accountable, not eating junk  and not eating out much. 

We all know what a difficult journey this is, and I don’t know how successful I will be, but just for today, right now, it’s working, and for me, that’s quite an accomplishment.




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