Monday, May 4, 2009

These boxwoods are too pretty to smell like cat pee, but they DO!!!


Last year I had rosemary 0n these pots in the patio, it was huge and it was wonderful, and when you brushed against it, the smell was like a pine forest, but I’m not finding the big plants this year, so I decided that boxwoods would be better anyway, since they winter over.   After several discussions with V about varieties, I chose the english boxwood, because I like the small leaf.  I already have it in the garden, and I totally forgot how it smells like cat pee!

And since these beauties are big, the smell wafts right in your nostrils when you sit at the table.  Oh joy, what have I done now?  I can only hope that the smell will dissipate as summer gets further along.  Either that or it will intensify.  And I sure as hell won’t be brushing against it, as I don’t want to stir it up any more than it already is…

But since they are beauteous, not to mention pricey,  I’ll just light a candle and pretend I don’t smell anything.  Hmmmm, wonder how that’s gonna work out for me???  Oh, I can just hear the boys when they come home, they will tease me relentlessly about the cat pee smell.  Goodness me, Scarlett isn't going to think about it right now….. No siree….  Well, except that I’m in the sunroom typing this entry with the french door open to the patio, and the scent is drifting into the house.  Ohhhhh, Lawdee, the smell is just gawdawful…….

I could wile away the hours
Conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain
And my head I'd be scratchin'
While my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain

The Scarecrow, from the Wizard of Oz


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