Monday, November 17, 2008

You know what happens when you drink a mug of coffee at 8pm?

You’re totally wide awake at 10:30, that’s what.  I knew better, what did I think I was doing drinking coffee that late!!!

Jeez Louise, will I ever learn???

I guess I could bore you all with ten things that go bump in the night, but I won’t.  I do like the idea of “ten things”, the possibilities are endless, but don’t worry, I’ll try not to do it constantly, think of it as an ongoing addition to the blog.   Still trying to decide if ten things is a bit much, or if I should cut it down to five things.  I’m working on it.

Lots and lots of possibilities with this, my ten favorite books, ten favorite movies, ten favorite “men”, hmmmm, maybe I had better cut that one down a bit… but you get the idea…. ten favorite breeds of dogs, ten favorite plants in the garden, ten funniest jokes, ten stupid things I’ve done, ten kitchen disasters, ten regrets and on and on and on.  if any of you want me to do a specific subject, hey, go for it…. but not tonight!  egads that was so stupid drinking that coffee that late!!!!!


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