Saturday, November 22, 2008

A tug at the heartstrings, for both me and Maggie…

It’s cold now, I put sweaters on the M&M’s when they go outside, Maggie has a whole wardrobe, but Mollie is too thick thru the middle for Mag’s clothes, she looks like a little stuffed snausage in them.

I had hubby go into the attic this morning for the box of Munchie’s clothes, I couldn’t bear to part with them, and I knew  some of them would work for Mollie.

I was sitting on the couch, he handed me the box, I started to open it and Maggie went crazy.  She was barking, and barking and running circles, and when I opened the box, she was sniffing those clothes frantically, she smelled Munchie on them…

Oh my, talk about bittersweet, I picked Maggie up, tears streaming down my face, gave her a long snuggle, took a deep breath and tried them on Mollie.

She looked adorable, of course.  And it’s okay, now.  The moment passed…I like to think that Munchie would like for me to share her things with Mollie…


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