Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thanksgiving pies…..

Mother was always our pie maker at Thanksgiving time.  She made our pies until she was well into her 80’s, getting up at the crack of dawn on Thanksgiving morning to make cranapple, pecan and pumpkin pies, always from scratch. 

She loved to decorate her pumpkin pies with leaves, going into her yard, gettting a maple and an oak leaf , making  a paper pattern, then she would roll out her piecrust and cut the leaves out of the crust.  She would bake the leaves  separately, and then slide the baked leaves on top of her baked pumpkin pies to decorate them.  They were so festive, we always looked forward to that. 


This pumpkin pie is a much more sophisticated version of Mothers, this is from Williams Sonoma, the cutters to make the leaves are new this year.  They’re great, aren’t they?

Interested?  Click here for the link.  WS ships fast, there is still time to order…

Fall Leaves Piecrust Cutters


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