Thursday, November 20, 2008

An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving, starring Jacqueline Bisset, this looks promising, ladies

Hallmark Channel - November 22, 9p/8c

An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving

The Story:

Thanksgiving dinner. Suddenly, Mary’s wealthy and estranged mother Isabella (Jacqueline Bisset) has come to visit. Although she finds a kindred spirit in Mary’s eldest daughter and budding writer Tilly (Tatiana Maslany), Mary resents her mother’s attempts to help them out of their financial difficulties. In the end, more than money will be needed to heal the emotional wounds that exist between mother and daughter in this moving Hallmark Channel original period drama.
Mary (Helene Joy) and her 3 children have hit difficult times on their farm. This year, they cannot even afford a turkey for their Thanksgiving dinner. Suddenly, Mary’s wealthy and estranged mother Isabella (Jacqueline Bisset) has come to visit. Isabella wants to help but, in the end, more than money will be needed to heal the emotional wounds that exist between mother and daughter in this moving Hallmark Channel original period drama.

Read more about it HERE...

Source: The Hallmark Channel


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