Sunday, November 16, 2008

Georgetown Cupcake and brown paper cupcake liners, a must read!!!

Geezy Pete, girls, we've been missing out! 

Chocolate Brown Cupcake Liners 100 packI was watching a tivoed episode of Martha Stewart, she had on the owners of Georgetown Cupcake, famous for their cupcakes, and Martha was talking about how much she adored brown paper cupcake liners.  And I'm thinking, hmmmm, like a Reese Cup paper, that is cool.  She said they were hard to find, but of course, yours truly, scouted them out for you - oh, what would you all do without me....

These liners are available online, from Sweet Cuppin Cakes Bakery, yeah, I know, you want the link, got your credit card handy?  Theyre 7.99 for a hundred pack, inexpensive, but a must have, you, the readers of The Dish can 't miss out on something this important, you have to be on the cutting edge. smile_wink

Here's the CLICK -

AND, I have the video for making their cupcakes, and the recipe from Martha's website for you.  This episode was the day before elections, so they made donkey and elephant fondant for the tops, if you wanted fondant on yours, you could always do Santa for the holidays.

You have to check out the website for Georgeotown Cupcake, its adorable.  Link to it HERE.

Click here for the video and the recipe, have fun checking it out...

~ jan


  1. Can't thank you enough, been looking for these for ages and found a good replacement made by fox run but they are very expensive $8-10 for 48. I have also been trying to hunt down the exact fondant cutters they use for their decorations with no luck. I live in Australia so would have to buy online.

    1. you can buy wholesale from CK products $4.00/500 but they are a pain to deal with...let me know if you found out anything on the fondant cutters, I'd be interested to know as well


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