I'm a big fan of jade trees. They thrive on neglect, needing little water, and if you can provide them with a bright sunny location, you're in business.
Jade Trees can last for decades, in fact Veronica and I were nosing around in a greenhouse a couple of years ago, and they had one, it was ancient, it was HUGE, and it was wonderful.
I bought mine at Lowes that same year for under ten dollars. They usually have them in the spring in the tropical section.
I take it outside in the summer, then bring it into the sunroom in the fall, throw some water on it occasionally and it's doing really well. They are known for being slow growers, but I think mine has gotten much larger since I bought it. It probably measures three feet tall now, sitting in it's pot. They flower, late winter, but so far I haven't seen that happen, who knows, maybe this is the year.
It was in an plain, terra cotta pot, so today I enlisted Trisher's aid, and we repotted it this afternoon. It was a warm, sunny day in Heavensville and we both had a touch of spring fever as we worked on the patio, playing in the potting soil.
So, if you are lacking a green thumb, but want something green and alive in your house this winter, try a jade tree. Buy the largest one you can find, and take it home and neglect it. It will thrive. ~ jan
I'm linking you to a site with a wonderful specimen, after you link to the page, click on the tree so that you can view it full size. The shape of it is amazing. No doubt it's had some pruning over the years, something I need to do more of, I'm always skeptical about cutting on a healthy plant.
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