Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm seriously warped...

We had toronado warnings this afternoon in Heavensville. The sirens were going off, local weather type people cut in on television programming to say that the "toronado" could touch down within 1/2 mile from where we live.

So, it's time to go somewhere safe. Now my idea, and hubby's idea of somewhere safe is vastly different. My theory is the backseat of the car, in the garage is safest, because you are surrounded by steel, and if windows are shattered, it would more than likely be the front seat that would take the impact, whereas if I were in a closet, surrounded by 2x4's, duh, there wouldn't be a lot of protection... We have had many arguments about this, he insists that the closest is safest, so if he were home, no doubt he would have been in the closet and the dogs and I would be in the car... Yeah, the dogs go where I go.... They don't know any better...

And now for the warped part, so I watch the news, I hustle off to the backseat of the car with.... are you ready... the M&M's, of course, gotta take my furkids, they are the most important thing, and then did I take family pictures with me, or jewelry, or some of the wonderful mementos in my house that I am so fond of. Hell no, I took the dogs, my cellphone and MY EXTERNAL HARDDRIVE...

See what I mean, my harddrive with my computer's info on it is one of the most important things in my house to me???? Oh, I am SERIOUSLY warped.... For real I am....


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