Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Finally, someone with common sense...

It always seems like the hollywood set flaunts their bodies, regardless of how old, how fat, how saggy they are. They wear tight, provocative clothes when they are YEARS past their prime, and look downright stupid in them.

Here is a pix of Kim Cattrell on the beach this week in Malibu. Hey, she's older now, and at least she's wearing something "age appropriate" - I think she looks pretty damned good.. You can click the pix if you want it bigger so you can see all the, ummm details. Well, she does look like she has some duck lips going on, but I'll forgive her those because she actually wore something that looks nice on her.

And check out her her dog - it's a YORKIE!!! Smart woman, sensible bathing suit and the world's greatest breed of dog...

It's a beautiful thing... You Go Girl


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