I was watching Larry King last night with hubby, and Dr. Laura was on for the last half hour. Now whether you like this woman, or you don't, after watching her, I thought she had some really profound, thought provoking views. Here's part of what she had to say...
On politics:
Women came out in droves in New Hampshire to vote for Hillary Clinton because she is a female, masses of people have been voting for Obama because he is black, and religious people are supporting Mike Huckabee because he is a good Christian. This is HORRIBLY stupid.
When you are electing the leader of the free world you need to look at what the person stands for, what the values are, and what they can do for our country, and not vote for them because of race, gender or religious affiliation.
On relationships:
Marriage in this country is in trouble because people are selfish. It's all about what I need, what I want and how I feel. When you marry someone you are commited to them, and every morning when you open your eyes and look at your spouse lying beside you, you should ask yourself, "what can I do for my partner today to make him/her glad that they married me?." If you do that, focus on what you can do for them instead of yourself, then they will be happy and because of that, you will be happy, too. Everybody wins.
On sex:
One viewer called in and said that they had been married for seven years and wanted to know how often they should be having sex. Dr. Laura said that you should set aside fifteen minutes each and every day, a minimum of fifteen minutes, to kiss and cuddle and hold each other and then see what progresses from there.
That was pretty insightful wasn't it? She has a bestseller, The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage, now out in paperback, and I'm thinking that an old dog like me might just learn a few tricks by reading it, so I'll be checking this out from the library.
And I'll be honest here, you may be thinking just how does what she said affect you? Well, first of all, I'm an only child, and I'm the first to admit that I'm selfish. I want things my way, just ask my kids, they will tell you in a heartbeat that Mom is selfish. I'm goodhearted about it, but I grew up not having to share, and we all know that everything we are is rooted in childhood. LC watched this program with me, and this morning he got up and made me breakfast. He hasn't done that in a long time, he didn't ask, he just did it. And did that make me happy? OF COURSE IT DID, DUH IS A HORSE A HORSE, OF COURSE OF COURSE!! I was absolutely estatic, and even more so when he cleaned up the kitchen. So maybe Dr. Laura has a valid point about this.
And as for the political agenda, I admit that I like the idea of Hillary being President because she is a woman. I remember being a little girl in school and my teachers saying that we would see a woman President in our lifetime. I've also always been a Bill Clinton fan. A certain friend of mine says that it's because I think he is "hot" but that's not entirely true. I have always thought he was attractive and charismatic, but I also happen to believe that he was a good President, despite his dalliances in the Oval Office, and that our country prospered during his terms as President. But that's no reason to vote for Hillary, because I would like to see a woman President in my lifetime or because I like her husband. I'm going to take Dr. Laura's advice and study the candidates and their beliefs and make my decision based on that.
And finally the sex... Well, we're older now, I seriously doubt if you will see us kissing and cuddling for fifteen minutes a day. Hooterville is coming to visit next week, somehow I don't think she would enjoy us snuggled in on the couch every evening for even five minutes. I think I'll leave this portion of Dr. Laura's advice to the younger generation, and settle for him making me breakfast.
You can access Dr. Laura online HERE and you can read about her book HERE. She's been around for years now, maybe that's why what she says lends a little credance. Check her out and see if she gives you any insight...
~ jan
Incubating and Hatching Chicks
41 minutes ago
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