Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sex and The City 2

72q390 Oh, it was a stinker of a movie, ladies.  The critics were right on with this one.  The acting was bad, bad, bad, especially Charlotte, who overacted to the point that it was embarrassing.  The clothes were to die for, as usual, amazing jewelry, great bags and the heels were unbelievably high, but let’s cut to the chase, I know what you all are interested in.  How did they look?

Well, they were all trim and slim, all of them were really toned, but let’s face it, they, like the rest of us are getting older.  I thought Samantha looked better than any of them, and she’s the oldest.  Age showing around the eyes, the face is softer, but she looked amazing for a fifty something woman  Her body is still killer.  Carrie, however, didn’t fare so welll, in my opinion.  She still wears clothes like a hangar, the woman oozes style, no doubt about it, but she is so thin that her face looks really haggard.  Ouch, this sounds really catty, but I’m just being honest.

And Charlotte and Miranda.  Well, Charlotte isn’t so fresh looking anymore, her dewy skin is long gone, Miranda had a great haircut, she was never a beauty, but she’s working what she has.  They all looked like they were Botoxed to the hilt, but at least they didn’t have fish lips, no collagen, thank goodness.  What I did notice was that they had great makeup, especially the blusher, all of them.  Now that was good!

Sad to say, I think it’s either time for them to hang it up, or move on to something more age appropriate with their storyline.  Awful movie, I would wait until it comes to Red Box to watch it, even the gorgeous clothes weren’t enough to make up for a non-existing plot line and all those pregnant pauses, it was actually uncomfortable sometimes, their lack of dialogue.  They could have done so much better…

Rona Barrett, here, reviewing from Hollywood Heavensville…


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