Sunday, May 23, 2010

Baby Doll Pajamas…

If you happen to be a child of the 50’s, or even the 60’s, you will no doubt smile at this picture.  My mother made me pajamas just like these every summer.  In fact, this could easily be the pattern she used. 

She sometimes made them in gingham checks or seersucker, always out of cotton fabric, and when they were fresh off the clothesline, there was nothing better to sleep in.

So unlike today’s girls that sleep in tee shirts.  I wonder when they are my age if they will remember back to their tee shirt days, for no doubt young girls will be sleeping in something else by then, and they will look as dated as these pajamas look now…

A good memory on this warm summer day in Heavensville.  Sometimes I wish I would have kept a little chest full of my clothes when I was young.  How fun it would be to look back at them now…


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