Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I’m going to give Eat, Pray, Love another chance…

I never watch Oprah anymore, but I did earlier this week when Julia Roberts was on talking about her new movie, Eat, Pray, Love.

I tried reading the book when it came out, just couldn’t get into it.  I’m so used to trash reading, that anything else seems boring to me.  But I need to broaden my horizons badly, everything I read has the same story, the same ending, so I’m going to give this one another go.  Tomorrow’s the day, I’m going to read, not skim, which I have a bad habit of doing, see if I can find my groove with this book. I tried several Jane Austen books last week, they didn’t do it for me.  There has to be something of substance out there that I will enjoy.  Surely, I’m not that shallow, surely

I’m looking forward to the movie, the trailers looked really good.  I still don’t like Oprah, though! 


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