Monday, May 24, 2010

My Shape, interesting concept…

I was watching the news tonight and they were talking about this website, – you put in all your personal information it finds the “perfect” clothes for your shape. Here’s part of what a review said about it -

What a great idea! is a website designed to help you find the best clothes for your body. Spend a few minutes taking your precise measurements, enter them into your profile along with your fashion and fit preferences and get great clothing suggestions that flatter your unique shape and match your style. Once you enter your measurements, the site determines which of 7 body types you are. You can then choose to shop the whole site, or narrow your search to the best clothes for your body type and personal style. MyShape offers the latest fashions for all age groups, shapes and sizes. Great finds and fits are on the way!

Here’s the click, it looks pretty interesting>>>


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