Sunday, October 4, 2009

Once a country girl, always a country girl…

We were on our picnic Thursday, everybody had to pee, so they traipsed down the path and around the bend, in search of the nasty outhouse.  Everybody but me, no way I was going to trek thru the forest to get to that icky bathroom.

I’m a country girl after all, I was raised with an outhouse, remember.  So while they were all hiking to the nearest facilities, yours truly just peed in the woods.  There is nothing like a fall breeze on your nether regions, ladies, when you’re outside and nature calls.  Jean is the only one that gets it, she, too enjoys the breeze on her butt, and has a colorful history of relieving herself in the cemetery.

Trish is so anal, no pun intended, that she brought along her own roll of toilet paper in case the “facilities” didn’t have any.  Geezy Pete, do these women not know how to rough it?

As they were coming back, V asked me if I didn’t need to “go” and when I told her I “did,” and pointed over there, under the tree, you should have seen the look on her face.  She had this shocked, rather horrified expression, it was so cute…  I just sat there and cracked up.

Not my first rodeo in the woods, nor my last, I’m sure. Nope, not by a long shot.  When in Rome….


  1. Yup, I understand this one. Also, reminds me of summer baths in the back yard in a tub. Summer breezes on damp skin, baby powder and a fresh cotton gown dried in the sun. The most wonderful sleep!!!! Good memories.


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