Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What were we doing in a cornfield?


Trisher and Hooterville went with me to Mule Day last Saturday. 

It was a brisk fall day and we had a great time, watched the parade, spent time with Ang, saw her girls, and yep, we ended up in a corn field. 

It’s a long story, and no, there was no alcohol involved, seriously. 

We may be old, but we’re still a good time!!!



  1. Way to go ladies!!!!! Fun should be at the top of our priority lists for health and long life!!! Jan, some years ago I called some old classmates to have an old fashioned slumber party at Mom's while I was home. Bonfire, weiner roast, staying up all night (till 10 anyway) catching up on our lives. No takers. Thought I was nuts. I can see I was calling the wrong crowd! Glad you had such a great time!!!!!


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