Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson…

Once again we have a media circus surrounding Michael Jackson but this time it’s not his music, but his death.

I watch with amazement, not because of the outpouring of love, but for how far, as a society,  we’ve fallen.  They are honoring this man, who quite possibly was a pedophile, who had no respect for money or debt, who was a social piranha, as if he were a god.

I just heard a black man say on FOX news, “today, music died.”  Oh, please, music hasn’t died, his music hasn’t died, it will be played forever.  He was extremely talented entertainer, but what happened to that handsome man child who made that amazing Thriller video?  When, instead of being proud of his race, he tried to bleach his skin white, and when he had so many plastic surgeries that the tip of his nose fell off, it should have been a red flag that something was seriously wrong with him.  When he was on trial for child molestation and he arrived at court in his pajamas, did people not realize that this wasn’t emotionally healthy.

What kind of a man parades his children around with veils?  Or dangles an infant from a balcony window? What kind of a man marries a woman with the sole intent of producing children, and then takes those children and raises them without her being a part of their life?

He apparently could ill afford his lifestyle, his rent alone was $100,000 a month.  Initial estimates of his debt are $500,000.  That’s half a billion dollars, yet the tributes pour in, the media is milking this for all it’s worth, even though it appears that he died from a drug overdose.

Yesterday was a sad day, we lost Farrah Fawcett, a brave woman who fought her battle with cancer courageously, but news of her death is virtually ignored, for a man who quite possibly was injected with a drug cocktail that stopped his heart.  He apparently was a drug addict, that most certainly is not something to be revered, but to a lot of our misguided society, he was worshiped like a god. 

Is this something to be proud of, America?  Not in my little corner of the world, it isn’t….  He should be pitied, but not honored, for his apparent drug induced death. 


  1. I agree wholeheartedly! Why are so many people idolizing and hero-worshipping a person in death, who lived the way he did when alive? I just don't get it!


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