Thursday, June 25, 2009

Flashback to a summer childhood memory…

I was out on Milly (golf cart) this morning, sipping on a protein strawberry smoothie thru a fat, chunky straw, hair pulled back, sunglasses perched on my nose, enjoying the fresh morning air before the heat sets in for the day.  I heard a bird, not a familiar one, but that particular bird sound transported me back in time.

I flashed back to being a little girl, out for a morning ride on my Western Flyer bicycle, my little face flushed with exertion, hearing that same exact bird sound, feeling the same summer breeze that I felt this morning.  It was so bittersweet, just that quick flash of remembrance.

As I age, I do that more,  reflect back to childhood.  It’s always to my early years, I never reflect to the teenage years, or my twenties or thirties, it’s always my early childhood.  Why is that so?  Is it because it was such a happy, innocent time?  Perhaps, there were no worries for me as a little girl, I lived in the country, played with the animals, had no siblings to fight and argue with, ate when I was hungry, slept when I was tired, it was blissful. 

So, for whatever the reason, the memory was wonderful.  I hope it comes to me again, because I had forgotten the feelings of being a carefree child, but just for a brief moment this morning, I was that child again…


  1. I love that kind of memories! The kind that just for a split second take you back there - to THAT place! They somehow renew you just a bit, and make you smile. Thanks for sharing!

    Becky G.


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