Monday, June 22, 2009

Okay, things that annoy ME!!!!

I was over at Lori’s blog, Pugsplace, she posted about what bugs her, oh I have a list, too…..

  • MEN, thats gotta be #1 on my list, don’t they drive you wild????
  • Humid weather, which we are having now, and you step outside and are dripping with sweat!
  • Flies in my house, buzzing around, avoiding the flyswatter.  How can a little insect with zilch for brain outfox a big bad flyswatter.  I don’t get it, but they elude it. Yeah, I know, it’s operator error…
  • So called “healthy” recipes that have 400-500+ calories in them.  Just because they cut out some of the fat, they aren’t necessarily healthy AND low cal.
  • Public restrooms, I detest them, can’t stand the thought of touching the door handle when I leave, and don’t get me started about people who pee on the toilet seat.  Ewwwwwwww
  • I annoy myself when I’m on my cell in a checkout lane, I know I drive other people nutso, but does that stop me from talking, NOT!
  • Old summer beach music from the 60’s.  I DETEST it.  I absolutely HATE those stupid old Beach Boys!
  • Kelly Ripa, I used to like her, but now she drives me nuts.  Ditto, Joy Behar.
  • People who yell at kids and dogs.  I just want to smack them!
  • Bratwurst, yuck, yuck, yuck!
  • Anything that even slightly resembles secretarial work.  I did that for years, and hate the thought of even typing a letter now.

I could just sit at this computer and type stuff that annoys me all day. 

And I’m in a really good mood, today, too…

Well, I am!!!!!


Ya know what doesn’t annoy me?  Ever?

  • The girls.  Nope, they never do…..

Haaaa, that was sure a short list! Wink


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