Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cindy Adams talks about Farrah

Here is an excerpt from Cindy Adam’s column in today’s Page Six -

Maybe 10 years ago, on the way toward Hollywood, at Doheny and Santa Monica, stood Carl's Market. No scruffy bodega, mind. A class clientele. One day in jeans and sweater, Farrah was exiting the side door balancing her bundles. Right behind toddled a fragile elderly lady who said, "Miss, could you help bring my groceries to the car?" This 18-karat star replied: "Oh, certainly." Farrah parked her own food and magazines and trundled the ailing senior citizen's brown paper bags and cartons to the car. The grateful woman tipped Miss Farrah Fawcett movie star a buck. Rather than offend or embarrass the lady, Farrah took it.

I remember reporting Brad Pitt's teenage crush on her. I remember spending time with her while she knocked off a big thick deli sandwich as fast as any trucker. I remember thinking she was pure beauty inside and out.

You can read the entire article here.  If you scroll to the bottom of the page, read past the ET article and look at the comments, others support what I said about Michael Jackson in my earlier post.  I’m glad people are voicing their opinions about this, it gives me a ray of hope for all of us…


  1. Hi Jan! The girls look so cute! Hope Maggie is healing well!

    Just wanted to let you know I have some nice photos of Farrah I posted on my blog if you're interested. I am SO bummed. But such is life I suppose. Take care! Love ya, Seana and the desert M&M's


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