Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Jan’s favorite things on the cheap, Day 4

I’ve alway had sensitive skin, and it was during a  visit to a dermatologist in the 80’s that I discovered Cetaphil.

You didn’t hear much about it in those days, they didn’t advertise in magazines like they do today.  Doctor’s recommended it to bathe infants in because it was so gentle.  I tried it because I was having a reaction to another product I was using on my face at the time, and I’ve used it ever since.

If you’re unfamiliar with Cetaphil, it can be used with or without water, I never use water, I just put it directly on my face, and remove it with a tissue,   it takes off eye makeup in one gentle swipe, and leaves your skin  feeling really soft with no stickiness, and it never irritates.  Beware of generic brands, though, they don’t work for me, I’ve found them to be  a lot harsher than the  real thing.

A large pump container of Cetaphil will cost about $8.99, but it lasts a really long time.  If you have never used it, try it, it’s a great product.

Tomorrow, rub-a-dub-dub, my faves in the tub….


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