Friday, December 19, 2008

Jan’s favorite things on the cheap, Day 6


Ahhhh, lip balm, don’t you love the stuff that glides on like butter, and makes your lips really supple.  If you’re a regular to this site, you know that  me, along with several other readers of this blog have a serious imgresCarmex addiction.  I’ve used it for the last twenty years, and can’t go to sleep at night without it slathered on my lips.  No other brand will do, it has to be Carmex, because it’s all about the sting… And it has to come from  the little glass pot, I don’t like it in a tube. Even Trish’s little granddaughter, Larkin, smears her little lips with the stingy balm.  Carmex rules, but…. just at night. AND, Carmex has come out with it’s first new flavor in 70 years, CHERRY CARMEX!!!! I haven’t found it yet, but I’m on the lookout for it, so is Trish!  Want to read all about Carmex??? Here’s the link… It’s a cute site!

Lip Balm #1For daytime use, nothing compares to Kiehl Lip Balm.  Oh, my, is it ever wonderful.  It’s sooooo moisturizing, has no odor, and leaves your lips with a glossy, non greasy feel.  I can’t buy it locally, I have to order it online.  It’s available  at Bloomies or Nordstroms if you live in a bigger city, if not, you can order directly from the company.  Here’s the CLICK.  And the cost for this bad boy, a mere $6.50, and worth every penny…

Tomorrow it’s mascara and my favorite eyelash curler….


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