Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jan’s favorite things, on the cheap, Day 1…

I had really good intentions to publish Jan & Friends Favorite Things again this year, did I get it accomplished, no, just didn’t happen.  Instead, I’m going to do a mini version, every day from now until Christmas I’ll publish a favorite cosmetic, nothing over $15.00.  Yeah, I know Oprah did cheap things too this year, well mine are really cheap!!!

I’ve always been a drugstore cosmetic junkie, and found that a lot of it is as good as the pricier stuff, and since I have a huge stash, it will be easy to give all of you a favorite from now until Christmas.

This morning, I’ll start it off with a $1 item.  Yep, just a buck for moisturizer.  I used Clinique for years, spending $$$ on it, finally got smart and realized that I would rather save the big bucks for gorgeous  eye shadows and great blush instead of moisturizer when this does just as well as Clinique.  It’s light, smells great, glides on and gives you a great makeup base.

Johnson’s Softlotion, 24 Hour Moisturizer.  I buy 2 ounce tubes of this at Wally World in the lotion aisle for $1.00.

It’s good stuff, gentle, too, and it has that great Johnson’s smell. 

Tomorrow, I’m going to share the best  at home hair color I’ve ever found!  Trust me, my hair has been every shade of blonde imaginable over the years, but I’ve finally found a great color that works, it might just work for you, too…

If any of you have favorite things on the cheap you would like to add to this, it would be great, just click on the comments below and add it!

~ jan


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