Monday, December 15, 2008

Jan’s favorite things on the cheap, Day 2

I’ve used a lot of home hair color products over the years, Loreal, Clairol, Nutrisse, Revlon, you name it, if it’s blonde, it’s been on my head.  I even had a fiasco with strawberry blonde during a brain fart last year…

In my quest for the perfect golden shade, I’ve run the gamut from brassy to yellow, I’ve tried really light blonde, and as I look back in pictures, I realize my really light blonde was more like an off shade of platinum, YUCK!  At least I’ve always stayed away from ash, I realized from a friend’s faux pax that ash can give your hair a green hue.

I finally quit going for the gold and went to neutral, and it worked!  Who woulda thunk it, after all these years, I finally found a color that actually looks great!  It’s a nice, gentle blonde, not too pale, definitely not yellow, just a natural blonde.

It’s nice’ n easy Natural Light Neutral Blonde 103 – look for it in your drugstore, it’s a great color, and only costs $6.99, less when it’s one sale.

It’s a good thing…

Tomorrow, a really great foundation at a really great price…


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