Saturday, September 13, 2008

What the Barbara Walters, Joy Behar, Oprah and Charlie Gibson have in common....

They are ALL on Jan's sh*t list this morning.  Well, as you know Oprah has been on it for some time but the rest of them are just now annoying the hell out of me!

Let's take The View first.  Both V and Hooterville gave up on it a long time ago, but oh no, not me.  I continued to watch it, even though that vapid little Elizabitch annoyed the beejus out of me, I found Joy's acerbic humor amusing,   I tolerated ole' Babs, and thought Sheri Shepherd was so-so.  I'm a Whoopie fan, thought she was fair and handled all the women pretty well.

I tuned in yesterday to watch them interview John McCain.  OMG, it was just horrid.  They weren't interviewing him, they were attacking him.  They were so negative toward him from the get-go, it was embarrassing to watch.  He handled them the best way he could, but they were relentless.  They, meaning Barbara and Joy.  To Sheri's credit, she just kind of sat there, and didn't do much, and of course that annoying little fly, Elizabeth, had her politically correct question to ask him.  Whoopi wasn't much better than the other two, especially with her little zinger about being afraid she would be a slave again, but it was just insulting to watch.  If that had been Obama  would they have done the same thing.  Of course not...  Shame, shame on them!

They brought out Cindy McCain later in the program, and snaps to her for putting Barbara in her place.  Bab's first question to her was, "Cindy, just exactly how many houses  do you have?"

And Cindy told her that it didn't matter how many houses they had, that she was proud of her husband and that he would do a good job running the country, and she was proud of her parents for working hard an creating such a good life for her.  Good for her, that shut the old woman up!  She just kind of sat there and blinked her eyes, she's obviously not used to anyone getting the best of her!!!!

Then there is Charlie Gibson, always my favorite news anchor, I liked his folksy delivery of the news, but I was totally, and I mean TOTALLY appalled by his interview with Sarah Palin.  Except that was no interview, it was like she was his prisoner of war, and he was interrogating her.  The man was in attack mode from the first sentence that came out of his mouth.  It may just backfire on him, though, middle America is not rallying behind the man.  George Stephanopolis interviewed Obama recently, and I might add, he did so wearing kid gloves.  Why did ABC honchos, who undoubtedly told the man exactly what to say and how to deliver it, allow such bias to happen???And remember, ladies, I'm a democrat, I have been my whole life, I come from a family of staunch democrats, but this  attack by Gibson has, in my opinion, has less to do with politics, than it has to do with trying to bring a woman to her knees.  He did NOT succeed!!!

Do I agree with everything McCain and Palin stand for.  Of course not, who ever agrees with everything on a politican's platform.  I'm a pretty liberal thinker, I'm pro-choice, I'm for gay rights, but I think that these candidates, even though they aren't, are respectful of other peoples views, something the "ladies" of The View obviously are not.  And Gibson, no more nightly news with him in this house, even Katie Couric would be better than this mouthpiece for the ABC brass.

Shame, shame, shame, on ALL of them!!!


  1. From betty: I'm with ya, Jan! Big-time!

  2. OMG .... I never gave up on The View .... I NEVER EVER watched that stupid show to begin with. What a waste of time it must be to watch any of those dreadful "talk" shows ... especially the one you are referring to in this post ... not to mention the self-centered racist "DOPIE OPIE Show"

  3. Well, I missed this show, sad to say. I have been feeling pretty much the same way as you about all of them though; I do like Whoopie~ she's so real and fair even if she's liberal. Elizabeth is just a think-she-knows-it-all bimbo who blabbers too much, and WHAT is up with Joy lately? I used to think she was kind of funny, but the last...hmmm...maybe year, she's just MEAN. She ain't that funny or famous or BIG to be being so mean (of course I'm sure she'd hide behind "it's JUST a JOKE" lameness and think people are going to swallow it. She and Bill Cosby can go sit on their potty chairs and make mean jokes about people and cackle as much as they like. I think I'm about done with the View to tell you the truth. And Sherri Shepherd? I thought she used to be hilarious but she's turned into a simpering, Bible thumping, *yet still badmouths her ex, who cheated on her*...not that she shouldn't, but you can't beat the Bible at the same time you're refusing to turn the other cheek.
    Honestly, I think Whoopie is the only redeeming grace and the only reason the show hasn't totally gone up in flames.


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