Friday, September 12, 2008


It's so hot in Heavensville, we're having just miserable wea-ther!!!  But hot or not, fur kids have to pee, so I roll out of the garage on Milly on a mid-aftermoon potty run with The M&M's  riding shotgun. I get to the end of the driveway, and realize something just doesn't sound right.  Milly is making a funny noise.  Now we ALL know about funny noises with our cars, but I've never had one on a golf cart.

I get off, and wouldn't ya know, Mildred has a flat tire.  Arughhhhhhhhh, it's totally flat, so I limp her back to the garage, with the tire leaving a rubber line all the way up the driveway, oh great, the neighbors are gonna love that...  The dogs look at me, like Mo-ooommmm, we hafta go, so thankfully Trish came to the rescue on The Zipper (her golf cart) and we were off to the fields.  That's probably where I got the darned flat anyway, going off road... 

Now that's a Kodak moment, I'm sure, me bouncing thru the fields on the little red golfcart, holding tight to my Yorkies so they don't fall off...   I'm sure my neighbors think I'm a nutcase.  Me, who in the old days, wouldn't dream of stepping foot out of the house without full makeup and big hair, now bounces thru the fields, au naturalle.  Ummm, I better clarify that, I don't mean I'm naked, geezy pete, that would be scary, I mean I go out and about in the neighborhood in yoga pants, an old t-shirt, no makeup and wild hair...

I'm a free spirit in my older age, and I like it, I really like it.....

Stella here, kinda gettin' her groove back.....


  1. Haha Jan, I very well remember your "can't go
    into the grocery store 'cuz I don't have on
    makeup" days! Those days are now gone, Ms. free
    spirit... Sorry about the flat tire, but you do spin misfortune into a good read! :-)


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