I AM a pretty happy camper 98% of the time
I WANT to be more organized
I HAVE the things in life that are important to me
I KEEP all my size 10 jeans, don't know why I torture myself by keeping them, but I do...
I WISH I COULD just put on my big girl, ummmm, make that old lady panties and throw the damn things in the trash
I HATE high gas and food prices
I FEAR that the prosperous times for our country are over
I HEAR the fur kids snoring in their playpen right now...
I DON'T THINK I'll ever tire of my computer(s), my ongoing fascination for it hasn't waned at all...
I REGRET that I never got that horse, something I wanted desperately for years... I don't want one anymore, just wish I would have made it happen in my 20's, or 30's
I LOVE being able to stay home, and not have a time schedule for anything
I AM NOT a phoney, I'm the genuine 100% real meal deal...
I DANCE really well, it doesn't seem to matter that I have no feet, I can boogie with the best of 'em, who woulda thunk it...
I SING to the M&M's, one of my faves, You Are My Sunshine - they look at me like I'm nuts...
I NEVER have a banana split anymore, but I should, I ADORE banana splits...
I RARELY watch prime time television, when I do it's usually FOX News
I CRY ... not so much anymore, one of the good things about post-menopause, not so hormonal...
I AM NOT ALWAYS tactful, I tend to stick my foot in my mouth with regularity...
I HATE THAT I procrastinate, but I understand now that I'm genetically predispositioned to it and don't beat myself up like I once did, and thanks to LC, I have gotten lots better about it over the years
I'M CONFUSED ABOUT oil prices and record profits for the oil companies when they insist they aren't price gouging
I NEED to remember to take my vitamins everyday, I'm doing pretty good with that these days... I also need to be better about making lists, since I'm forgetful in my old(er) age...
I SHOULD get all of my Thanksgiving and Christmas recipes posted again, so that all of you have them for the holidays, and I will...
I HOPE all of you enjoy my nonsense and I don't bore you to tears...
Reinforcing My Raised Vegetable Garden Beds
7 hours ago
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