Okay, I'm smitten, I admit it. Ever since this spring when I got a Williams-Sonoma Catalog that featured this Beehive Brick Pizza Oven, I've been drooling. I've also been drooling over the price, this bad boy will cost you $2,000.00. TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS, yes, do you believe it? This does not look like something that would cost TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS.
So this morning, I was out for my morning walk, with my earbuds stuck in my ears, listening to, no not music on my IPod, I seldom listen to music on it, I was listing to a Podcast of my beloved Splendid Table, and there was this guy on there, he's written a book, no surprise there, people are always writing books, but this guy builds his own earth ovens, and they are made of mud.
Hmmmmmm, I thought the whole thing was fascinating, first he builds a dome of sand, and then uses some kind of mud mixture and forms the shape over the sand dome, and when it hardens, he pours out the sand, he puts some kind of coating on it so that it won't turn back into mud if it rains, and voila, you have a "mud" oven to fill with wood, and cook bread, pizza, soup, meat, whatever your little heart desires in it.
And the cost of this puppy? Nada, el zippo, practically nothing. Certainly not TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS. Egads, just the thought of coughing up that chunk-a-change for a clay oven makes me hyperventilate.
I've always been famous in our family for thinking up all these wacky ideas, and talking LC into trying them, I don't know if the old girl still has it, though. Hubby isn't too excited about playing with a pile of mud, but maybe I can talk the guys into it. Hey, my boys are in their 30's, they should be up for it, right???? Well, we'll see. We could make it the same shape as this one in the picture, instead of a Beehive Oven we could call it our, ummmmm, Mudpie Oven. That would work....
But in he meantime, here's the CLICK if you want to check out the book for the mud oven. Who knows, maybe some of you will be crazy enough to try it. It absolutely fascinates me, but then a lot of things fascinate me, so it's not really much of a stretch. And then there is my mentality to consider.
Oh, whatever, just check the damn thing out!!!!!!! And while you're at it, check out the book reviews, HERE, people liked this thing, they really liked it!!!!
Covering My Gardens with Compost
8 hours ago
I'm sending this along to my daughter in law. It is her dream to have a pizza/bread oven outside. Her hubby promised to build one for her on her 40th birthday. Two years ago!!! Perhaps he can do this.