Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Some things don’t really change, they are just altered a bit…

arvinradio When I was a little girl, Daddy bought me my first transistor radio, I think it was for my eighth birthday, and it looked really similar to the one pictured here.  I could only get AM stations on it, no, let me correct that, I could just get one AM station, since I lived so far away from civilization, it was the local WROY – 1460AM on your radio dial and my radio used this big old battery that had to be replaced constantly, no rechargeables in those days. But, oh, I had this snazzy brown leather cover to “protect” it, and I thought it was sooooo cool.  That radio was really something to a little country girl…

And since I lived in a rural community that station had a lot of “talk.”  Of course talk radio wasn’t recognized as such in the 50’s, but all I could listen to on that silly station were farm reports, the local “Swap Shop”, lots of local news and occasionally horrible music that the local yokels played.  However, I thought it was the most amazing thing EV-ER, and I went around with the ear piece implanted in my ear, walking the downtown streets, listening to that awful station like it was really something special.  And, of course, that station is still around today, still playing the same bad music and the “Swap Shop” is still going strong.

I thought of that old transistor radio early this morning when I was out walking with my iPod with it’s 80 gig harddrive, it’s slick aqua blue rubberized skin, and my state of the art stereo earbuds firmly implanted in my ears.  And was I Iistening to one of the gadzillion albums I have downloaded on this thing, heck no, I was listening to NPR talk radio.

Do you think that’s a throwback to my Arvin and that gawdawful WROY station I listened to as a child.  Could be, who knows, but I had a marvelous time, and enjoyed my iPod immensely.  I’m in the country, walking by a creek, the canadian geese are swimming in the pond, the sky was blue and the fresh mown hay smelled heavenly.  And life was certainly good this sunny July morning…

~ Jan


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