Thursday, July 17, 2008

I just couldn’t wait…..

I got bonappetitout in the 90+ heat today, because I just HAD to have a copy of this magazine. Oh, it was so worth my trip. Lots more ice cream recipes other than the one shown, some great sauces, super salads, too.

Lots of things to look at that I will never make. I actually don’t buy many magazines these days, the ones I get just sit around and I don’t read them. I’m too busy doing nothing on the computer to stop and read. Sad, isn’t it…

And after reading all the great ice cream recipes the hunt was on for that Haagen Daz Lemon Sorbet that they were raving about on GMA, but apparently Heavensville stores don’t realize it’s a “must have” because they “didn’t have” it!!!!!

So, I went to plan B. . .

I picked up this little container of Blue Bunny Light Personals, Super Fudbonappetit2ge Brownie. It’s an individual serving, and it’s 120 calories. And was it Super? You’re damned tootin’ it was. This stuff tastes great. Well, not as great as that chocolate covered cherry cone, but not a bad substitute.

Actually, our anniversary is coming up in a couple of weeks, I’m thinking some of those cherry ice cream cones would be great for our anniversary. I know, you are all thinking I’m nuts, why would I want those ice cream cones for my anniversary, but I’m tellin’ ya, I’m a CHERRYHOLIC.

Now if I could just talk hubby into making them for me.

Yeah, sure Jan, when pigs fly….


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