Did you ever sit barefoot in a porch swing, sipping iced tea out of a fruit jar?
Were you ever so carefree, that you hummed along with the radio without a care in the world?
Were you ever so innocent that you thought everyone was good and kind and decent?
Did you chase fireflies just before dusk, put them in a jar and watch them glow?
Have you ever had watermelons so plentiful that you would cut them, eat just the heart out of each one and throw the rest away?
Have you ever had corn on the cob, so fresh that an hour before you eat it, it's still on the stalk?
Have you sat outside in the steamy country evenings, trying to catch a breeze and cool off before you go to bed?
Have you ever wished upon a falling star?
Have you ever had litters of pups and baby kittens scampering at your feet in the summer grass?
Do you remember the smell of summer rain on a dusty evening, going to bed, hearing it on the roof while it lulls you to sleep?
Have you picked fresh blackberries and had them on your morning cereal with a jug of creamy, whole milk and toast made with homemade bread and slathered with fresh churned butter?
Were you lucky enough to listen to the sounds of the crickets and the frogs by the creek?
Do you go for early morning summer walks, while everything is fresh and dewy and the world is awakening for another day?
Do you stop to watch the way the summer sun sets beyond the tree line and lights up the evening sky with an orange glow?
Do you take the time to watch the birds, to listen to their calls and watch the squirrels and the rabbits scampering in the grass?
I have experienced all of this, and am lucky enough to live in the country, even now, and to somehow bring it all full circle.
I am truly blessed…
Installing Carpeting in My Home
2 hours ago
these are lovely memories jan. some of them i have others i do not....no churned butter but fresh eggs! have you ever sat in the grass waiting for that exact moment when the evening sky darkens and the lightening bugs send out their beacons, calling to one another for....well what are they calling out into the darkness anyway?