Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We're having a Par-Tay.....

Oh what a great day it was for Maggie's birthday. We were out and about on Jezabel, my infamous three-wheel bike. It was Mag's first time riding shotgun, Munchie was always my biker buddy, she rode a million miles with me in the back basket...

Maggie is doing great with it, too, she wasn't nervous at all. Of course, she had to go to see her best bud London, trying to get both of them to look at the camera at the same time to snap this photo took some doing. Now we're home, and birthday girl is all tuckered out, asleep on Mom's puter desk..... Oh what a day, what a day!!!!!


  1. you make it all sound so festive and fun! i wish i could have been there! those two make such a sweet set :) i'm sure little Miss Munchi was smiling down on them both from the rainbow bridge.


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