Wednesday, April 16, 2008

More info than you want to know...

Do you really not know how to punctuate sentences. Your grammar is terrible!

Of course I know how to punctuate, I made A's in my English classes. I just prefer to misspell words and use an abundance of .... It shakes things up a bit and makes life more interesting... Dont'cha think?

Why do you keep posting pictures of that little dog with that silly ponytail? That's all you talk about, Maggie this and Maggie that...

Because Maggie is like a child to me. I post pictures of her and talk about her like others post pictures and talk about their children. I'm totally besotted with her. Everyone should have a Maggie in their life, IMO.

Just who are all these people you talk about, V, Hooterville, Nisha, The Dilly's, Trisher, Ang, Barb and Marti, to name a few. And who the heck is BirdTweets?

Girlfriends, ladies, some of them friends forever it seems. V, Ang, Hooterville and Nish have been around for years and years, more than we care to remember, Hooterville and I since we were toddlers. BirdTweets is the blogsite of Robin, a new online friend, who is just a sweetheart. And the Dillys? They're my daughters-in-law. I'm Milly, they're Dilly.

Why do you call your girlfriend Jean, Hooterville?

Because she lives in this small burg of a town in Southern Illinois that we've dubbed Hooterville, hence the name...

And what's all this Heavensville stuff?

It's just a play on words for the city that I live in...

Why do you talk about food so much?

Because I'm obsessed with it. I'm always on some stupid diet, usually Weight Watchers, and it never works because I live to eat!

Why are you so bossy and opinionated?

Because I was an only child and everybody always listened to me when I was growing up. Just ignore me, I have a good heart... And if I had no opinions, this blog would be even more boring than it is...

Why do you make references sometimes to being footless? Why don't you just keep quiet about it.

Because it's who I am now, and it's not a big deal to me. Laugh and the world laughs with you.... Sometimes it's downright hilarious the jams I get myself into with no feet. But then, I got into terrific jams when I did have my feet... Ummmm, I could make a joke about that... "jam", "toe jam!!!" See what I mean, just can't help myself...

What does Men Schmen mean?

Hell if I know. I had some scrapbooking stickers from Susan Branch a few years back, and they said MEN SCHMEN, so I just kind of adopted the saying. It probably means. Arughhhhh, Men!!!!

Why do you sometimes use obscenities on your blog?

Because I've always had a potty mouth. Not a pretty trait in a woman when she's nearing 60, I might add. But then I've always said, I'm a broad, not a lady. Broads have all the fun. Giggle 3 I am however trying to tame it down a bit before the grandkids start coming....

How much do you weigh?

That's it, I'm outta here...


  1. i have s question...questions....why don't you show anyones else's comments but mine? don't you know it is embarrassing for me to take up so much of the spotlight? are all your friends as computer illiterate as your/my friend V? Is that why they don't show their comments or is it because they don't agree with you often enough and as an only child you have never learned to tolerate that?

    from, get out of the spotlight


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