Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Guess who's having a birthday?????

It's Maggie Moo!!! She's two years old today. And yes, of course I sang Happy Birthday to her, and she looked at me, with her little ears pinned back like I had lost it. She was scared to death.

Oh, poor furbaby, that really says a lot for my singing ability, but a lot of you already know that, as I'm well known for calling you on your birthdays, screeching into the phone in my futile attempts to belt out The Birthday Song...

Who would have known two years ago today that I would have this precious little dog coming into my life. Maggie is pure sunshine to me, filling my days with smiles and cuddles, I am truly blessed.

So Happy Birthday, sweet little dog, it's going to be a gawjus spring day in Heavensville, Mags and I are going to take time to smell the roses tulips...


  1. Happy Birthday Bouncy Girl!!!
    Auntie V

  2. awww..i see your auntie V was here to say happy birthday to her girl! how sweet! Bouncy Maggie Moo... that is a perfect name and a big 'ol happy birthday to you my dear!


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