John sent me this today, just too funny not to share. And speaking of politics, which I never do, I've been reading quite a bit about Oprah and how she's having a lot of backlash from women because she is in Obama's camp, when a woman has a shot at the White House for the first time in history. It seems that her "fans" are not happy with her for backing her race instead of her gender and she has been getting slammed for it.
She has been pretty silent since New Hampshire, it will be interesting to see if she backs away from him. And if she DOES, yours truly who doesn't venture into the political arena, believes, strongly, that she should have kept her mouth shut in the first place and stuck with "entertainment" instead of politics. It just frosts my cake when these celebrities feel the need to jump on the black bandwagon.
Even Whoopi, whom you know I love, was talking about Martin Luther King holiday this morning on the view and said "thank you" as if she was thanking people for making it a holiday.
You sure as hell don't hear anybody "thanking people" for George Washington's birthday holiday. WHAT A CROCK!!!!
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