Friday, January 25, 2008

I just had to blog about this....

Lindsay and Ryan are in for the weekend. We all decided it was a movie night, since LC wasn't working, and Linds and I had been wanting to see Atonement for like FOREVER, and the guys could have cared less about seeing it, they wanted to see Rambo.

So we were off to the movies, the girls to see Atonement, the guys to see an aging Sylvester Stallone with steroid infused muscles. We settled in with our popcorn and our diet cokes, thrilled to be seeing a great love story, it started a bit lame, we kept waiting for it to get better, and waiting, and waiting... It never did. It was literally the worst piece of shit movie we have both ever seen in our lives. It was totally discombobulated, it jumped around all over the place, it was TOTALLY dark, TOTALLY depressing. Oh, don't waste your time on this stinker, girlfriends, the only, and I mean the ONLY good part of the movie was Keira Knightley's green dress and her good eye makeup. That's pretty bad, when that's the only good thing you can say about a movie...

After we got out of the show, I was waiting for Linds to come out of the ladies room, and these four older people were coming out of the show headed straight toward me, and so I said to them, "What did you think of that movie?" And this old geezer said he thought it was delightful, so intelligent. And his wife said, I'm not sure I liked that movie." And me, I said to that old fart, "Well, I thought it was just STUPID." Pompous old man, trying to impress that couple they were with, guys are such idiots.... That movie was a dud, I'm tellin' ya, a DUD!!!

But of course we couldn't tell the guys that. Of course not, we couldn't let them know what a stinker we picked, so after we got out of the movie, they said that Rambo was, okay, they would give it about a 4, since our family rates EVERYTHING on a 1-10 basis. Lindsay said that our movie was "emotional" and the guys wouldn't have "understood" it... I said I would give Atonement a 10, Linds said she would give it an 8, what we DIDN'T tell them, was that I gave it a 10, with the 10 being the worst review possible, she soft pedaled it with the 8!

So here I am blogging about it, and you better read this fast, because I can feel the DELETE key on this entry happening tomorrow before the guys decide to read my blog...

Oh, it was so bad, so bad, so bad, it was just such a waste, you have no idea..... STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE!!!!!


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