Sunday, January 20, 2008

She was only 70...

Suzanne Pleshette died this morning of lung cancer. I always liked her, and not for the reasons you probably think. Oh sure, she was great with Newhart, she was a stunning beauty, but I liked her for a little obscure Disney movie that she made with Dean Jones in 1966 called The Ugly Dachshund.

It was a really hokey film, but she was adorable, she had the cutest clothes and she had three "girls" she called them - the cutest little Doxie's you've ever seen. Now you all know I've never been known for liking the "great" movies, I go for the clothes, the sets, etc., I just go for the visual and this was a cute one. Catch it on the tube sometime and watch it...

CNN has a nice article about her this morning, if you would like to read it, you can access it HERE.


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