Monday, January 21, 2008

Our former house made the paper....

Twelve years ago we bought a house in the historic section of Heavensville. We always called it the "Gingerbread House", also known as "Hansel and Gretel's Cottage." I always loved the house, it was really magical looking, and when the elderly owner's husband passed away, I wrote her a letter, telling her that we were interested in it.

She called us, hubby and I went over to see it, she wouldn't let us inside, said it was a mess, but we walked the perimeter, and it was so quirky and unusal looking - the brick was all uneven and had greek insignia's designed into the bricks, and the garage was a duplicate of the house. There was an outdoor fireplace by the garage and a waterfall and fishpond came out of the front of the garage wall, all original.

We bought it on the spot, without ever looking inside, and NO, it was NOT a deal, I just wanted the house and LC said he didn't care about the inside, he would redo it anyway.

And so we bought it, and it WAS a mess inside, but he redid all of it, and it was just wonderfull It was surrounded by big oak trees, that have since died and been cut down, so it doesn't have the charm it once did.

And why am I telling you this? Because it was featured in the Sunday paper as a "Storybook Home." I thought you all might like to read the article.

We sold it five years ago when we bought our Condo. At the time we bought it, I thought I would live in it forever, but it's tough living on three different levels when you have no feet. Everything was either upstairs, or in the basement, and I was going up and down stairs many times daily. Plus, the neighborhood was deteriorating, as it does with older homes, so we sold it.

Am I sad? No, not really, I had wonderful years living there, and good memories, but it was time to move on. And now, even though I live in a condo, I'm in the country, and my front yard overlooks a horse pasture, and there is a creek that I can visit daily on Milly (golf cart).

Our condo seems like a house to me, and it's peaceful and quiet, and everything is really convenient.

And if you would like to see what it used to look like on the inside, I have interior pictures on an old Tripod account that I found for you. I hope you enjoy it, and if you think it was as special as I did, drop me an email or leave a comment.

~ jan

Here's the CLICK to all the pictures, they re all thumbnails just click on them to bring them to a large size..

Here is the article from the paper, scroll down to the 7th house, that was ours... Here's the CLICK.



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