Wednesday, May 16, 2018

May is a busy time at our house...


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We had such a late spring, we were behind with planting flowers, but last week the weather cleared, the greenhouses were stocked for Mother’s Day and yours truly had such a good time.  This is just a couple of pictures, a sample of what we planted, it was a job, but it’s finished now and thanks to Micro Irrigation we won’t have to water all summer.  I think we ended up with 35-40 pots by the time it was over, but I enjoy flowers so much.  We also have new bird feeders and a a bluebird house, mama bluebird has been nesting and daddy bluebird has been feeding her.  It’s a wonderful thing, Mother Nature.

I’m going through a dental implant, not fun and a lot of $$, the family is well, we saw everybody Mother’s Day weekend and bad Grammie didn’t take pictures. :( 

I’m looking forward to summer months and sharing some new products with you.  And I will, later, when things settle down around here.

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Take care and I’ll be around more frequently.  Pinkie Swear I will.  ~ Jan




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