Thursday, April 23, 2015

Revisiting the Beauty Blender +++

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I blogged about my new Beauty Blender back in March.  My friend Carlene wanted to know if I still liked it after a month, if I did, she would rethink spending $20 for a sponge.  Well here I am, a month later, in my closet with wet hair and my makeup is blended.  I didn’t retouch the photo, I should have photoshopped out the wrinkles, and I’m a little wild eyed, but hopefully you can see how well this makeup is blended.

And now the verdict is in, this is hands down the best makeup tool I’ve ever purchased.  I will continue to  buy Beauty Blenders and use them daily, it’s an absolutely fantastic tool.

Here’s what I’m finding after using it for a month - 

  • I’ve experimented a lot, putting dabs of foundation on my face with my finger then using the blender and smoothing, I’ve put it in my palm, then dabbed the blender in it before using it to apply it, but it was a pain.  The easiest, fastest way is to just put makeup in your hands, rub your hands together and press it all over your face, don’t rub, just press.  It’s thick and very ragged at this point, but then just take the damp blender and start blending and it works like a charm.
  • I use it for powder, for concealer, just dab, dab, dab.  I don’t use it for eye shadow, but I do clean up the edges with it.  
  • And how is it lasting after a month?  Great, I just wash it with a little liquid soap, squeeze the water out, and I always have it damp when I use it.
  • What about staining?  It stains immediately, but it’s no biggie, it doesn’t seem to get worse, it’s just discolored.  

And last month I also blogged about Anastasia Dipbrow Pomade.

This took some getting used to for me because I’ve never had defined brows.  The trick with this is to use a light hand.  I start at the arch of my eyebrows underneath, lightly draw it to the edge, then draw the top of my brow, I’m making a frame, then fill it in lightly and brush it out so it isn’t harsh. Just use a little product, ladies, unless you want to really vamp up those eyebrows.  

And, something new I’m trying but the verdict isn’t in yet.

ELF Makeup Mist and Set - I bought this because it’s a dupe for the pricey $30 Urban Decay Makeup Mist, this one is $6.  The first time I used it I applied way too much, and my eye makeup was running down my cheeks. Of course we were getting ready to go out to dinner and I was in a panic.  Live and learn!!! I backed off the next time, now I  just give it 3-4 squirts, it seems to make makeup last and makes your skin dewy, but we’ll see what happens when the weather is warmer.

Finally, let’s talk about foundation.  Like everyone, i’ve tried so many kinds over the years, including many brands of the pricey stuff, but I’m a drugstore makeup junkie and always go back to Revlon ColorStay for Combination Skin.

This stuff has staying power, it lasts all day into the night and best of all, you don’t shine.  It stays on in heat and humidity, it never slides down my face and did I say it doesn’t shine ;).  

I was buying it locally for about $12.99, but it’s cheaper on Amazon and you don’t have to trudge through the drugstore.

Fresh Beige is such a good color, and this is an absolutely wonderful product for the price.  It was $10 the last time I ordered but they’ve dropped the price even further to $9.30.  Interested, here’s the link...


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