Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I REALLY want to go to The Vermont Country Store


Here I go again, shamelessly plugging The Vermont Country Store.  They had a segment on CBS This Morning, and I just had to share with all of you.  I drive hubby nuts talking about this store, I so want to go there.  I even want to try the Tangee Lipstick again, even though I wasn’t a fan of it back in the day.  It had this really distinctive smell, I wonder if it still does.

I’m actually trying to talk LC into a trip to Vermont just to go to that store.   And since I can pretty much talk him into anything, there might be a trip in our future.  I know, cr-a-zy woman here, makes no sense at all!  We can’t drive all the way to Vermont just to go to that store. Or can we????

We were at John and Deanna’s a couple of weeks ago, she’s a fan as well and had just gotten a package from them.   Oh my, I was absolutely giddy when she opened it, and it wasn’t even mine!  Such cute stuff she got in that package, it was just like Christmas!!!!

I’m just a little obsessed, can ya tell?  Yep, just a little...


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