Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Paddy's Day...

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Mother always planted her sweet peas on St. Paddy’s day.  I’m sitting here looking at an inch of snow and temps in the 20’s, and thinking that Ma would not be a happy camper today if she was still with us.

We had such a great weekend with temps in the 60’s.  My buddy V came for a girl’s weekend, we shopped, ate badly, talked late into the night and had a great time.  Got up yesterday morning to still more we-ather - this is just not right!  It’s spring this week, where are the daffy’s, the crocus, the green grass?  Hiding under the inch of snow, that’s where they are!

And the top o’ the mornin’ to you on this blustery St. Patrick’s Day….


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