Sunday, April 14, 2013

Rednek Margarita Glasses


I'm a lover of anything Ball Fruit Jar makes.  A late bloomer to the Ball bandwagon, I credit Pioneer Woman for reintroducing me, as she's also a lover of all things Ball.   I heard about Rednek Wine Glasses last year,  and I just wasn't onboard with those, I thought they looked pretty hokey.  But I was at Rural King today, and they now have these margarita glasses.

Okay, they're charming, I must admit, they're wider than a regular Ball Jar, and totally captivate me.  They're $7.99 each at Rural King, which I thought was kind of pricey, but then I came home and looked on Amazon and they're $11.98 each.  And on eBay, they're even more expensive, some sites have BUY IT NOW for $20.00.

I'm thinking these would be oh so cute this summer for any kind of drink.   They're large, 16 ounces, they would be great for Iced Tea.  Maybe, I'll just have to go back to Rural King and buy a set of these, ya think?



They also have smaller Martini Glasses, I like the shape of these, too.  Still don't care for the wine glasses.  The martini glasses are half pint size, would be pretty spiffy looking filled with fresh berries and a little Greek Yogurt...


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