Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chickies Cleavage Coverage, what's your take on this...


I never was a fan of showing cleavage, not even in the day.  My buddy V, say's I'm the only big boobed woman she knows who never showcased the girls.  But it just wasn't me, and now that i'm old(er) I certainly don't want to.  So I'm looking at my Real Simple Magazine, and they're talking about Chickie's Cleaveage Coverage.  It's kind of like a tube top, no extra straps, not a lot of fabric to make you hot in the summer, or extra bulk to make your mid-section look even bigger - this fastens to your bra, looks pretty good, doesn't it.

That's the pro, the con is the darned thing is $33 plus shipping.

I have the "As Seen on TV" Cami Secret, that I got at Walgreens, and it's so-so, since it doesn't wrap around, the sides of it tend to show if you have a low top on, and the lace doesn't go with everything.


Well drats!  Looks like I'm going to have to cough up $33 plus shipping, and of course I could use one in black, too.  And the colors look great as well.  It never ends, does it?  

Yes, I know, you want the link.  Here it is...




  1. I think it's classier to keep your cleavage to yourself and loved one only. I certainly wouldn't want strangers' eyes looking down there... :-)


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